All the right shades for Crassevig: Autumn-Winter 2022 Palette

A colour palette that speaks to the senses, for a season that is fresh, nostalgic and vibrant at the same time. Discover the stylistic interpretation that Visual Designers Deborah Piana and Marta Basalto envisioned for Crassevig’s seasonal trends.

“What you don’t know is that that sweater is not just blue, it’s not turquoise, it’s not lapis, it’s actually cerulean.”

We all remember Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada, along with her monologue-lesson on the importance of colour hues.

If the main tones we learn to recognise are in fact red, yellow, green, white, black and blue, there are thousands of other shades that address emotions directly and delve into detail, just like the cerulean she mentioned.


Each colour builds bridges, ladders and secret passages, in order to come together with the next, painstakingly searching, chasing and finally finding the right match.

When the encounter works, then everything makes sense and speaks to us in a fresh, contemporary language that comes before everything else and is never taken for granted.

There are definite, fierce, brilliant colours that invigorate the soul – and then colours that give comfort, soothing the senses.


Furthermore, colours return, even after a long wait, as do the forms of design, or the fashion styles that have characterised our history.

Today, hues take on a more appealing guise, with the awareness of those who can navigate the past and pass on to the future.



Visual designers Deborah Piana and Marta Basalto have selected for Crassevig a colour palette for the Autumn-Winter 2022-23 season, summarised in four fundamental shades.

A Red that evokes the grape harvest, the fine wines that warm the first autumn evenings.

Mint Green, which recalls a 1950s pastel, reminiscent of bomber appliances, with hints of nostalgia, of the economic boom – but also of freshness, of pure, crystal-clear water.

Then the colour known as Aubergine, a greyish purple (not a simple violet) introduced by Crayola in 1998, which is longing for bygone summer, almost resembling a smooth velvet to caress, splendid and endowed with a sombre, mysterious elegance. This, in particular, is a vibrant colour, which can interact with citrus yellow and all the lighter shades of blue, enlightening and enveloping us with their relaxing power.

Finally, we need a neutral, versatile, timeless colour, which adds depth and enriches everything with gentle accents: Cement Grey, the shade of concrete architecture, of the bright stone that dominates mountains and countryside in Italy, colourless par excellence, enriched with a thousand cold and warm nuances.


These are the right nuances to surround yourself with now, a set of colours that chase each other, in a chromatic balance of calm and rationality, broken up by the acid and strong notes of hues that foster good humour. A definitely trendy ensemble, to be rediscovered in Crassevig’s design lines.